Welcome to Greenacres Wellness Centers, our centers focus on providing a safe, tranquil and spiritual experience. Dedicated to nurturing the harmony of mind, body, and spirit. Greenacres engages all five sense- sound, sight, scent, taste, and touch. Providing healing and therapy and pampering for the body and soul. Our resorts focus on rebuilding the mind and reuniting your body with mother nature. We look to provide you with an authentic experience.
All guest are provided with the highest level of comfort upon entry into our wellness centers. We look to bring all of ones desires into one location by providing connectivity to nature, with our resorts horses, majestic waterfalls, private trekking paths and spa treatments.
Michael Green
Founder and CEO
I am Michael A Green Jr, founder and CEO of Greenacres Wellness Centers. Born and raised from the city of St.Louis, Missouri. Upon serving in and separating from the U.S Air-force I had the vision of creating a wellness center with luxurious amenities providing its customers with top tier service. Connecting you with nature without harming natures intended state and lessening our carbon footprints. Greenacres Wellness Centers Luxury Resorts and spa cover 60 acres of secured, private and tranquil land. Our 3 locations worldwide Greenacres Panama, Switzerland and Bali, Indonesia are sure to leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated throughout your entire body.